
Episode 161: Investigator Starter Deck First Impressions – Beragampengetahuan

Join Peter and Frank as they take a look at the newly announced investigator starter decks: Nathaniel Cho, Harvey Walters, Winifred Habbamock, Jacqueline Fine (!!) and Stella Clark. What do we make of the product? How will it work? How many new cards will we see? We select a few cards from each pack to […]

Episode 161: Investigator Starter Deck First Impressions – Beragampengetahuan Read More »

Russia is behind Havana Syndrome, attacks on U.S., former lead Pentagon investigator says – Beragampengetahuan

The former head of the Pentagon’s investigation into the mysterious health incidents known as Havana Syndrome told the CBS investigation show “60 Minutes” he believes Russia was behind them and was attacking U.S. officials abroad and at home. In partnership with The Insider, a Russian exile media outlet, and German magazine Der Spiegel, 60 Minutes

Russia is behind Havana Syndrome, attacks on U.S., former lead Pentagon investigator says – Beragampengetahuan Read More »

Bagaimana saya berhasil menggabungkan dua genre yang berlawanan dengan Brok the Investigator, keluar 1 Maret – Beragampengetahuan

meringkaskan Pekerjaan enam tahun membuahkan hasil dalam genre petualangan baru yang saya sebut “Pukulan & Klik” Keduarok terinspirasi oleh kartun awal tahun 90-an tetapi dengan karakter yang dalam dan plot yang emosional Bagaimana Anda menonjol di pasar indie yang begitu ramai? Itulah pertanyaan yang saya tanyakan pada diri saya sendiri delapan tahun lalu ketika saya

Bagaimana saya berhasil menggabungkan dua genre yang berlawanan dengan Brok the Investigator, keluar 1 Maret – Beragampengetahuan Read More »