We were gonna submit something to Nature Communications, but then we found out they were charging $6290 for publication. For that amount of money, we could afford 37% of an invitation to a conference featuring Grover Norquist, Gray Davis, and a rabbi, or 1/160th of the naming rights for a sleep center at the University of California, or 4735 Jamaican beef patties. – Beragampengetahuan

My colleague and I wrote a paper, and someone suggested we submit it to the journal Nature Communications. Sounds fine, right? But then we noticed this: Hey! We wrote the damn article, right? They should be paying us to publish it, not the other way around. Ok, processing fees yeah yeah, but $6290??? How much […]

We were gonna submit something to Nature Communications, but then we found out they were charging $6290 for publication. For that amount of money, we could afford 37% of an invitation to a conference featuring Grover Norquist, Gray Davis, and a rabbi, or 1/160th of the naming rights for a sleep center at the University of California, or 4735 Jamaican beef patties. – Beragampengetahuan Read More »